Hockey - Fantasy Cup Hockey Challenge - "Newspapers" News


Fantasy Cup Hockey Challenge "Newspapers"

News and Announcements



05-15-2021 - The NHL Regular season and Playoffs have been combined as of May 15, 2021. Therefore we have decided to complete the contest on Sunday May 16, 2021. All stats in the final week of the contest (May 9 to May 16 2021, will be reviewed and confirmed for regular season stats and finalized on Tuesday May 18th, 2021. Thank you for your patience in this trying year.

01-02-2021 - 2021 56 Game "Tbay Newspaper" Fantasy Cup Hockey Challenge - Registration Starts FRIDAY January 8th, 2021.


The Chronicle Journal in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, will be offering a contest in the 2021 shortened season. Register by midnight Pacific Time Friday January 22nd, 2021.....at which time rosters will be frozen till trading will begin. Trading begins Friday February 19th, 2021. Good luck to all and refer a friend who has not played our contest before and be sure to check out our "CI Editon" of this contest, as well as the Sole Survivor pool for this NHL season. Click the approriate links above to get further information.... Now...."Get in the Game"!




05-22-2020 - The Remainder of the 2019-20 "TBCJ" Fantasy Cup Hockey Challenge has been stopped. The NHL declaring a stoppage in the season and progression to a Playoff structure due to COVID-19 concerns, has caused us to end the 2019-2020 contests using the March 12th, 2020 games as the end date. We will settle up the contest in the next 15 days and will be contacting the Chronicle Journal with the FINAL results. Thank you for playing and Hope you stay Safe and Healthy durting these trying times.




03-12-2020 - The 2019-20 "TBCJ" Fantasy Cup Hockey Challenge - Has been put on hold due to COVID-19 concerns and the shut down of the NHL 2019-2020 Regular season. The contest will remain in a state of PAUSE, until the NHL declares the next steps in the process. Please stay tuned for further details.




09-05-2019 - 2019-20 " The Newspaper Edition" Fantasy Cup Hockey Challenge - Registration Starts Saturday September 18th, 2019.


Register by Midnight Pacific Time Friday October 16th, 2019.....at which time rosters will be frozen till trading will begin. Trading begins November 15th, 2019. Good luck to all. Contact our support services at support@cifantasysports.com to receive any further details..... Now...."Get in the Game"!



07-18-2018 - 2018-19 Sole Survivor Pool NHL Edition Contest


In 2018 we will postpone the start of NHL Survivor till the 2019-20 Season. Team rights negotiations has limited our participation currently. Stay tuned to

to our Survivor pools pages for further details.



 Updated....Friday January 2nd, 2021.